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2017年7月21日 (金)

【English Club】ドイツ人留学生と!


A special guest came to our club. She is an exchange student from Germany!



As part of an “exchange” with a Hokuetsu student (an English Club member), she homestayed in Niigata for a few weeks. During her stay, she went to school at Hokuetsu and joined club activities.


Her beautiful smile and thoughtful English charmed us all. Though we spent only a few days together, we made memories. I’d like to share a few of them here.

[7.11 Tuesday]


This day also happened to be our club president’s birthday. We ate “birthday” donuts and even sang Happy Birthday in German! She also taught us some other simple greetings and phrases.

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Not just the students, but the teachers also were interested in meeting the exchange student. They would stop by to say hello.


Though we did have a guest, we needed to get started on preparing for the Cultural Festival in September. So, to get some ideas, we watched last year’s videos together.

[7.13 Thursday]


Students brought and presented their ideas for this year’s video.


[7.18 Tuesday]

ECの定番、Apples to Apples(カードゲーム)を遊びました。英語でどんどんゲームが進みます!メンバーが分からない単語が出てくると、彼女が丁寧に解説してくれました。

We played an English Club favorite, Apples to Apples (card game). The game carried on in English. When a word that members didn’t know came up, our guest kindly explained it to them.

[7.19 Wednesday]

彼女が参加する最後の活動日、一緒にGo Fish(トランプ)を遊んでから、記念撮影をしました。

It was the last day that she joined us. We played Go Fish and then took a group picture.



On the top right is a message from her.

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At the end, we sent her off with a “human arch”, as is often done in Japan. Some tears were seen. Words of farewell were exchanged—“Please message me” “Please come to Japan again” “I hope we can meet in Germany someday”, etc. Everybody was sorry to see her go.



Finally, I’d like to share the farewell message given to our club members.


“Thank you so much for welcoming me. Everybody was so kind and I had fun. This club is a very good club. It is good for your English. If you use English, your skills will develop and you will get better and better. You should study abroad if you can. I hope we can see each other again.”


(by Jane)


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