【English Club】Nikko & Haruka ~二人の特別ゲスト!~

本日はEnglish Clubに2人のスペシャル・ゲストを迎えました。
Today, we welcomed two special guests to English Club.
一人目はアメリカから4ヶ月間ほど北越にホームステイ・短期留学しに来たNikkoさんです。彼はもう帰国間近ということでしたので、English Clubに来る時間を作っていただけてありがたかったです。4月に全校の前で挨拶をしたときよりも日本語が明らかに上手になっていて、部員とは英語と日本語を両方使いながら交流してくれました。
The first guest is Nikko from the US, who has come to Hokuetsu for a 4-month homestay and study abroad. His stay here is coming to an end soon, so we’re glad he could make time to visit our club. His Japanese was noticeably better compared to when he gave his self-introduction in front of the whole school back in April and English Club members could converse with him using both languages.
The second guest is Haruka, a Hokuetsu student who has just come back from her 10-month study abroad in the US. Although she has just gotten back, as a senior the university entrance exams are just around the corner and she must study very hard. So, once again, we were very grateful that she took the time to visit our club. Having gone to an American high school for nearly a year, her English is now quite fluent.
まずは15分間、free chatの時間を設けました。ペアになって黒板に書かれた3つの質問のうち、どれか一つから会話をスタートし、英語で自由にやりとりをします。大体2~3分ほどしたら、キリの良いタイミングを見つけて”Okay, thanks!”と会話を切り上げ、別の人を見つけてペアになります。
First, we took 15 minutes for “free chat”, an activity where you pair up with someone and carry on a conversation in English for about 2 or 3 minutes before splitting up and finding a new partner. Each conversation must begin with one of the three questions given on the board. When splitting up, you just say “Okay, thanks!” and move on.

Free chatの後には男子グループ、女子グループに分かれ、それぞれのグループにゲストを一人ずつ迎え、20分ほど自由に交流してもらいました。20分経過したらゲストだけ入れ替わり、もう20分交流します。
After the “free chat” time, we split into a boys group and girls group. Each group welcomed one guest and received 20 minutes to chat freely. After 20 minutes, the guests traded places and we had another 20 minutes for chatting.

Through interacting with the two guests, the members learned new things and gained new motivation for practicing English. Haruka even showed us a thick binder full of assignments she had done at her American school. While the content of the conversations we had were interesting in themselves (for example, hearing about the differences between American and Japanese high school life), it was actually seeing Nikko speak Japanese and Haruka speak English that truly inspired students. It was proof that any language could be learned if you put in the effort.
(by Jane)